Friday 22 August 2014

these are not things reserved for someone else's life

I used to be the kind of person that would see other people doing amazing things, and say to myself, "That's what other people do - this is not for me." Things like scuba diving, playing guitar in front of a crowd, travelling for work, living by the sea - these were all things that other people did. I am now making the slow transition to becoming one of those people that says to themself, "What good reason do I have to not go after this?"

Here in Torremolinos, Malaga, my wonderful and warm hosts, Angie and Adrian, live in a gorgeous casita right on the southern coast of Spain. You can literally see the Mediterranean Sea from their terrace. Oh yeah, they have a terrace. It's spectacular. Malaga itself is paradise. It's all whitewashed stucco casas with terracotta roofs, bougainvillea and hibiscus rambling up the walls, sun streaming into every window, the sound of a lively plaza and the crashing of the sea intermingling to create a marvellous symphonic cacophony.

Angie and Adie are all about affirmations. They say that one of the reasons that they've been able to get to this point is because of positive affirmations and channeling intention.

I've always wanted to live by the sea. So now I say to myself, when I settle down, I will live by the sea. I will be able to run into the ocean at a moment's notice just because that oceanic feeling strikes me. And I also say, I will learn other languages to facilitate my movement through and around this amazing world of ours. I will work hard to achieve the things I want.

I will live the life that I once would have looked at and said, that's something other people do.

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